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About Us

Two friends, often found wearing socks and sandals whilst travelling the world, but if there’s a time you can get away with said fashion faux pas, it’s whilst on the road, right?


Our first trip together took us to Uganda, on a volunteering and research trip, since then we have travelled to a further 10 countries together. Add that to a further 25, that we’ve travelled to separately, across 6 continents.  We try to take time to explore each place to its fullest, embracing the local culture, and taking ourselves out of our comfort zones. 


Having road-tripped, volunteered, worked and lived abroad between us, we’d like to share our top travel recommendations. You’ll find hiking guides, travel routes, city guides, unique experiences all on our blog. Whilst we try to draw on our development and environmental knowledge, as we learn how to travel more ethically and sustainably. We’re not experts or perfect environmentalists but to quote Anne Marie Bonneau;

'We don't need a handful of people doing it perfectly, we need millions doing it imperfectly'.

Oh and if you hadn't noticed we like to jump!

'Travelling it leaves you speechless, then it turns you into a storyteller'

- Ibn Battuta

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© COPYRIGHT Socks and Sandals Travel LTD 2020


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